Meeting June 1 – 2, 2012 in Neebing, ON

You are invited to the Heart of the Continent Partnership’s quarterly meeting in Neebing, Ontario, June 1 and 2, 2012. Please scroll down to register.


Detour directions:

  • from Grand Portage –
  • from the Thunder Bay Marina –
  • Detour Note from Clara Butikofer: We’ll soon be welcoming you all to Neebing. Neebing is changing the culverts on Sturgeon Bay into Mink Mountain Lodge from May 23rd – June 11th so there is a detour.  I went on Map Quest and made these detour links. I set up the maps using real addresses: for some reason, that worked the best. The Copper Cliff Rd Address is our Mayor Ziggy Polkowski- so wave on the way by and 58 Island Ave is my house, which is just past Mink Mountain Lodge. You’ll see Mink Mountain Resort on Mink Mountain Road, right before you get to Island Avenue.Make sure everyone has their cameras ready. The wildlife have been very prevalent lately and the view is always magnificent.


The HOCP summer 2012 meeting will be June1/2 (Fri/Sat) in Neebing, Ontario.  We look forward to spending time in the home community of one of our Community Congress teams, just a stone’s throw from beautiful Lake Superior. We will meet from noon Friday through afternoon Saturday. The two-day agenda will include Friday meetings, a Friday evening lecture, and a Saturday field trip and volunteer clean-up of a local park. (The cleanup is the part of the action plan developed by the Neebing Team at HOPC’s  International Community Congress held last October.). For lodging & registration: please scroll down.

Pre-Meeting Field Trip (off-site): Join us for a tour of Thunder Bay’s newly developed waterfront. Friday June 1st, 10:00am – 11:00am. (flyer and details). (We’ll return in time for noon lunch in Neebing.) For questions about the pre-meeting field trip, contact:  Bonnie Hundrieser (218) 529-7527 or

Lodging Options:

Book Your Lodging Early

  1. Lodging at Mink Mountain: The Resort where we’re holding the meeting has a limited number of small cabins, as various occupancy sizes, rates, and sleeping accommodations (double beds, pullout couches, etc). Please call Mink Mountain (1-888-616-6465) directly to book a cabin. Or if you’d like to join in with other folks to share a cabin, you can let Bret know and he will help coordinate cabin sharing.
  2. Lodging (off site): Nearest alternatives, Best Western Norwester 1-800-528-1234, south of Thunder Bay; Grand Portage Lodge and Casino 1-800-543-1384 (both are about a 40 minute drive.).
  3. Tent: there will be a limited number of informal tent sites

Meals–Please pre-register by May 20

This is a resort in a small village, so meals will be arranged together and catered. There are not other places to eat close-by. (Note: We have noticed that sharing meals has been one of the strongest ways leaders have built new working relationships at HOCP meetings.)


There are no charges other than lodging and meals.


    First Name

    Last Name


    Organization (optional)



    The meeting will start Friday at 1pm, and continue through Saturday afternoon. Please select which of the meals you plan to take part in.

    Payment will be collected by cash or check at the event.

    Additional comments (optional)