HOCP General Meeting: Grand Portage, MN, July 29-30

Final meeting details:

The next Heart of the Continent Partnership (HOCP) general meeting is scheduled for July 29-30, 2010 in Grand Portage, Minnesota.  Immediately following the meeting, an HOCP team will be paddling in the annual Dragon Boat Races in Grand Marais. Here are the details. We look forward to seeing you there.

Meeting Agenda:

Thursday July 29th, 7 pm: Public Lecture by archeologist Doug Birk. Doug is a gifted speaker and well respected, veteran fur trade archeologist.  Doug has a particular interest in the archeological signatures of historic portages in the boundary waters.  As of late, he has worked on the Grand Portage, discovering many sites and uncovering how the portage was used.  He is also completing a report for Grand Portage National Monument of the underwater archeological work at Fort Charlotte (and inland end of the Grand Portage).

Friday July 30th, 8 am – 1 pm: HOCP General Meeting. Agenda will include moving forward on the plans for the 2011 International Community Congress, including a report from the newly formed Design Team, discussion on plans for science collaboration across the region, and a presentation from Grand Portage Band

  • Location: “Old Log School House” in Grand Portage village, across the road from the new school and community building.   Follow Mile Creek Road past the Heritage Center [towards Hat Point or easterly], part the historic stockade, up the hill and past the Mt. Rose Catholic Church, past the ball field, to the “Old Log School House” on the south side or lake side of Mile Creek Road.  It is roughly a third of a mile past the Heritage Center on Mile Creek Road. [View a map of the area.]

Register for the meeting »

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Dragon Boat Race Timeline:

After our usual Thursday evening lecture and Friday general meeting, many of us (and you too, we hope) will head down to Grand Marais to practice for the dragon boat races on Saturday. Saturday will be a fantastic opportunity to spread the word about Heart of the Continent Partnership while paddling with others, and mingling with the hundreds of people who attend this event.

Friday July 30th afternoon: HOCP dragon boat team practice in Grand Marais
Saturday July 31st all day: HOPC team enters in the Dragon Boat races and also has an info table on shore.

Learn more and register for the Dragon Boat race»

Lodging: See options, next page, then please book your own.
Cost: The only costs, other than lodging, are Friday Lunch: $10 per person (bring check or cash)

Lodging/Camping Options:

Note: the HOCP meetings are in Grand Portage, and the Dragon Boat Race is in Grand Marais, 37 miles away. So if you plan to do both, remember to factor in drive time, depending on where you stay.

Grand Portage Lodge & Casino. (218) 475-2401- Tribal/government rate: $56 Thursday, $67 for weekend nights

Outpost Hotel – 7 miles east of Grand Marais, towards Grand Portage, 2935 Highway 61 – (218) 387-1833 – 1-2 person rooms with a queen sized bed: $59 Thursday, $69 for Friday and Saturday.

Judge Magney State Park, on Highway 61, halfway between G.P. and G.M on the Brule River, 218-387-3030 . They have 28 campsites but they regularly sell out during this time.  Cost is: $18 per night for a party up to 6 people, plus a vehicle parking pass of $5 per day.  To make reservations call: 1-866-85-parks or visit their website:

Grand Marais Rec Park, near downtown G.M. (218-387-1712). Folks who stay at the Rec Park also have access to the pool, shower, sauna, and whirlpool at a discounted price of $3 per visit. They still have tent sites available in late July and HOCP has reserved a group camp site for Friday eve.
Individual Sites: Costs are: $25.73 for an individual tent site that can have 4 people.
Group campsite (Friday eve): HOCP has reserved the group campsite for tenting Friday evening.  Cost is $5 per person. Just mention HOCP when you check in.

Grand Portage National Monument
Campers have the opportunity of camping at Grand Portage National Monument for free during this weekend and if a participant in the Dragon Boat races and or HOCP doings.   Please RSVP to Tim_Cochrane@nps.gov, so we can plan accordingly. (Also remember that the monument is 37 miles away from G.M. and the dragon boat races.)

Greetings Heart of the Continent Partners!

We’re excited to let you know that the next Heart of the Continent Partnership (HOCP) general meeting is scheduled for July 29-30, 2010 in Grand Portage, Minnesota.  Immediately following the meeting, an HOCP team will be paddling in the annual Dragon Boat Races in Grand Marais. Here are the details. We look forward to seeing you there.