The Heart of the Continent Partnership works to inclusively build vibrant and resilient communities that value the public lands in northeastern Minnesota and Northwestern Ontario.

The success of the Heart of the Continent Partnership (HOCP) is based in trust and open communications. The Partnership is non-partisan fourum where diverse groups can meet and work together. The partnership does not take posisitions nor attempt to influence the policies of participants, other than celebrating support for our public lands and our neighbouring communities
The Partnership and its individual participants are committed to the following values:
- Respect: We respect all stakeholders in this land and welcome their differing positions.
- Openness: We are open and transparent in our individual positions and opinions; we have no hidden agendas.
- Trust: We trust our fellow partners and expect trust in return.
- Inclusivity: The partnership is open to all interested parties so long as they accept our mission and values.
- Flexibility: We will be flexible in our thinking about issues and open to reasonable dialogue
- Understanding: We work hard to understand rather then judge the positions and opinions of others.
- Celebration: We celebrate the border lakes and focus on the positives in our work.
- Common Ground: We focus our work and discussions on topics about which we can increase our common understanding and agreement through knowledge and sharing.
- Non-Policy Orientation: We will not take or advocate for policy positions as a group nor attempt to influence the policies of others.
- Opting out: We do not demand agreement amongst our members and we explicitly accept that any participant can opt out of a discussion that runs counter to the position or mission of their organization.
- Legacy: We are committed to sustainability and strongly identify with our responsibility to future generations.